
Harmony Legacy Society


The Harmony Legacy Society is a group of distinguished supporters who have
made a commitment to Harmonyā€™s future. When we hear the word legacy,
many of us think that it only applies to the rich and famous. It is important
to remember that a legacy is the transfer of personal and family goals,
dreams, history and, yes, financial assets. Anyone can leave a legacyā€”
young or old, rich or poor. Your gift will continue to help others after you are gone.
Your wishes and values will live on.

There are different options for legacy gifts, and each may come with
significant tax benefits. Every legacy gift, regardless of the amount, is
important. A few ways to remember Harmony are:
ā€¢ Bequest in a Will
ā€¢ Gift of life insurance, savings account or IRA
ā€¢ Gift of appreciated property
ā€¢ Real estate gift
ā€¢ Charitable gift annuity
ā€¢ Charitable remainder trust
ā€¢ Social security benefits
ā€¢ And much more

ā€œI have made a bequest to Harmony in my will because of my deep respect for
the work Harmony does. I am not a financially wealthy person, but I am a
recurring donor and I want to do more. I own property, a car, and have a small
savings account for my retirement. When I die, all these things will become
part of my estate. It is easy for me now to designate a percentage to be left to
Harmony. My legacy will be to help someone receive treatment at Harmony;
to that person and to all the people that person touches, I will have made a
difference. I feel good about that.ā€

Real Estate Donations

Gifts of real estate may take various forms, including the outright gift of a home, building, or property, or a retained life estate arrangement in which you make a gift of your residence to Harmony Foundation today but continue to live in it. Such gifts provide a substantial contribution to Harmony Foundation while giving you tax benefits including savings on capital gains and estate taxes.

Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets

Gifts from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 401(k) plan, Keogh plan, or other qualified retirement savings plan may be highly advantageous both to you and to Harmony Foundation. If you intend to leave these assets to anyone other than your spouse when you die, they could be the most heavily taxed of all your assets through both income and estate taxes. By naming Harmony Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets, you may make a contribution and potentially save significant taxes for your heirs.

Charitable Lead Trusts

Charitable lead trusts may be an appealing means of transferring assets to your heirs at reduced or even eliminated estate and gift tax costs while providing immediate support to Harmony Foundation. The lead trust pays income to Harmony Foundation for a set period of years, at the end of which the trustā€™s assets revert either to the donor or to your heirs.

Life Income Gifts

You may want to make a significant gift to the Foundation, but you feel that you may not be able to afford giving up current income from your assets. It is possible to make gifts to Harmony Foundation that will allow you and/or another beneficiary to receive income for life. These types of gifts include charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts, which may qualify for income tax deductions and reduce estate taxes. When the last beneficiary of a life income gift passes away, the remainder of the gift comes to Harmony Foundation.

To learn about these and other ways to leave a legacy
please contact the Harmony philanthropy department
at [email protected]